Posts Tagged ‘oil’

An Omen
(re: the 9/11 true story)

Friday, September 10th, 2010

A tumbler filled with sludge.

This disturbing dream image woke me with a depressing jolt the morning of September 17 (2001), Rosh Hashanah, the dawn of the Jewish New Year.

The bleakness this image prophesied for the coming year haunted me for days. I had an ominous sense of what awaited the world in the aftermath of the horrendous attack on the United States a week before.

The meaning of the glass for me as a journalist took shape several days later at a Media Alliance event in San Francisco. Farhad Azad, publisher of, spoke about the struggles for his native land–from power hungry czars to the war on terrorism. When he finished, the observer standing next to me whispered, “What about the pipeline?”

“What about what pipeline?” I asked.

“The one going through Afghanistan to the Caspian because going through Iran or Russia is out of the picture,” he explained.

As he spoke, I wrote in my notebook “It’s about oil.” I drew a picture of the tumbler from my dream and put a box around the word “oil.” At that moment, I knew the Bush Administration’s so-called war on terrorism was about oil. That dream held the true story behind the rush to the massive U.S. military response to the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Joyce Lynn

September 17, 2001

(This dream was first published in the aftermath of 9/11. It is reprinted here on the 9th anniversary to remind us — in the midst of media diversions of mosques and holy books, intended  to ferment hate but also to augment the Official Story –about the who and why of 9/11, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and the ongoing occupations. For more on following the oil (pipelines), see Plum Dreams Media’s Political Diary.)